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Security at the expense of usability comes at the expense of security

Referred to as AviD's Rule of Usability.

Hackers may want to infiltrate your systems, but users just want to do their jobs.

Your users' job is not "security". It's something else, and security controls need to be careful to not stand in the way. Systems should make the right behavior the easy thing as well.

The harder a system makes it for users to do their jobs, the more users will look for ways to make it easier for themeselves, likely nullifying security controls along the way.

For example, if you system provides a way to "break glass" -- to bypass controls in exceptional situations -- monitor to see if your users are using it like a "make it go" button. If they are, then your security controls are too onerous and/or not well thought-out, and your users are bypassing them in order to get work done.

See also https://xkcd.com/936/ and RedMonk: Developer Experience is Security